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Empowering Canadians with knowledge and legal solutions to protect their rights!
We are people helping people
Published: August 21, 2021
Updated: December 10, 2021
The following article is for general information only, and should not be construed as legal or medical advice.
First of all, we want to clarify that vaccines are medical treatments.
That’s not what is happening in Canada and around the world right now. Employees are being put on involuntary unpaid leave and some are even being terminated. Kids are being denied participation in organized sports. People are being denied service in public spaces (restaurants, retail, health care, etc.). This is not only crazy, but it is unethical and illegal.
Here is why this is happening:
Because Canadians don’t know what their rights are and so, they can’t defend them. That’s where Stand Up Canada comes in. That’s why it vital that you understand what your rights are so that you can stand up for them.
Vaccination in Canada is VOLUNTARY. The Canadian National Report on Immunization 18, 1996 tabled by the Public Health Agency of Canada acknowledges and informs that “Unlike some countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada; it cannot be mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution”.
So much for that.
Here we are Canada, on the brink of the end of medical freedom as we know it. Our country’s response to covid-19 has crossed many lines from the beginning, which was only 23 months ago from date of this publication. We’ve been fed a steady diet of “you are not doing this for yourself, but for others” with respect to mandatory masking, forced business closures, bankruptcies, stay-at-home orders, separation from our family and friends and terrible isolation in the physical sense from NOT being with people you love, to isolation from what we consider and need to feel safe. What are the effects from these measures to our mental health? They have caused an unprecedented mental health crisis in our society – right where we live. Not over there, but here. Our precious youth have suffered the most and their suicide attempts have tripled and hospitals are seeing 90% increase in eating disorders. This is gut-wrenching.
Do you still think lockdowns work?
We’ve complied, been obedient, watched and ran to that goal post as fast as you told us to, each time it moved, so that we could flatten the curve. What happened to two weeks? Did you think some of us would forget what the government initially said?
Wait a second. This “public health” emergency isn't about any virus. It’s about control. Canadians are so quick to tow the line, to be such good friends and neighbours to everyone. We WILL give you the shirt off our backs because that is our nature. But at what personal cost?
We don’t know where you are on the scale of the whole narrative. No matter if you are pro-vaccination, against these measures or somewhere in between, to have a vaccination forced on you is not only illegal, it is unconstitutional, discriminatory and unenforceable.
And THAT is why you are here reading this today because the government has crossed a very personal line with you. Your body – and guess what? It’s your choice.
Can anyone, including your employer force you to put anything into your body that you do not want? Think about this. Your answer should be a resounding NO. In case there is any confusion, the answer IS no.
The government knows this and they are expecting us to continue to do what we’ve done for the last 23 months, which is to just comply. Because that is what we’ve done up until now. How can we say this? Because we are here now, with forced mandatory injections into our sacred bodies.
Everyone has a line in the sand which cannot be crossed. Is this yours? If so, this vital information is for you.
So, we rise to the occasion to give you all of the legal information you need to empower yourself to know your rights – you have legal rights to refuse any medical treatment or procedure. You need to say I DO NOT CONSENT.
Here’s how to do this …
There is quite a bit of knowledge we are sharing with you on this page. We are doing so, in the order below to make it easy for you to understand your rights. Think of it in terms of a story. There is always a beginning, middle and end. If you skip a chapter, you will not get the whole story. We suggest that you take the time to read all of this information because it is all connected and this will really help you stand up for your rights. Don’t worry, we include a PDF comprehensive format (full document) at the end of this page.
1. God-given Rights versus Legal Rights
2. Employment Rights
3. Covid measures that are Medical Treatments
4. You need to give "INFORMED" CONSENT before undergoing any Medical Treatment or Procedure
5. Without Consent it is Assault under the Criminal Code of Canada section 265
6. Your Patient Rights by Province and Territory – Consent to Treatment
7. Legal Rights to Refuse Medical Treatment
8. Medical Censorship in Canada - Doctors Gag Order in Ontario
9. Your Medical Health is Protected by Privacy Laws
10. Stand in Your Power
We are now at the time where everyone needs to understand the difference between our God-given rights (your natural rights) and legal rights to decline medical treatment/procedure.
These can include, but are absolutely not limited to:
You do not need to ask for permission from anyone for your God-given rights, your inalienable rights. The government did not give you these INHERENT rights, therefore, they cannot take them away. They were given to you from the moment of your birth.
But they have been limited by man, or the state’s imposition on what they “deem” you are free to do.
You must ask yourself this most fundamental question with respect to mandatory/forced medical treatment - WHO OWNS YOUR BODY – YOU OR THE STATE?
If you decide that YOU own your body, then all you have to do is JUST SAY NO to anything you do not want to touch your body – including mandatory injections. I DO NOT CONSENT!
The point of taking a stand is to PROVOKE A RESPONSE, and to continue to provoke until they respond or change the law/rules/requirements.
Ghandi lead a whole country in this manner:
The response may be discipline or termination from employment – what can you do?
The response may be denial of services from public spaces – what can you do?
The response may be societal – your friends, family or neighbours may shun you – what can you do?
There are three major issues at hand with what employers and unions are doing.
1. Asking employees to disclose their private medical status – revealing if they are vaccinated or not
2. Asking employees to undergo a medical treatment that requires their “informed consent” – to become vaccinated
3. Employees who are non-compliant for not disclosing their private medical status, or who refuse to become vaccinated are being financially penalized - put on “Unpaid Administrative Leave” and losing their jobs
This is vitally important that employees understand that all of these are UNAPPROVED “conditions” of employment that DO NOT CURRENTLY EXIST.
In other words, this is a major breach of your employment contract, whether it is in the form of a collective agreement (unionized) or employment contract (non-unionized).
You need to look at your current collective agreements (unionized) or your employment contracts (non-unionized) to see if there are any:
“conditions” for:
“leave provisions” for:
If there are none of these “conditions” or “leave provision” in there, your employer is in breach of your current employment contract!
If you are unionized:
If you are not unionized:
Bottom line: If your employer is introducing new “conditions” of employment or “leave provisions” that do not currently exist, this is a major breach of your employment contract - and you need to do something about it!
Note: There is two types of “leave without pay”.
1. “involuntary leave without pay” that your employer puts you on as a means of discipline; and
2. “voluntary leave without pay” that employees put themselves on – e.g. taking time off for personal reasons, etc.
If your employer is forcing mandatory vaccination, and you feel you have no choice but to submit to this because they have stated you will be disciplined or will lose you job, and you have received one or more injections, this could be extortion under section 346(1) and assault under section 265 of the Criminal Code of Canada [see 5. Without Consent it is Assault] or assault / extortion as an intentional tort (Intentional torts are wrongful acts done on purpose. The person does not need to actually mean harm, but the other person ends up hurt anyway, such as in a prank. Or, the person can definitely mean harm, such as domestic violence cases.)
If you plan to submit to these injections based on duress
If you have already submitted to these injections and did so only under duress
Find other like-minded people who are in your situation and stand together
Find a criminal law lawyer for extortion under section 346(1) and/or assault under section 265 of the Criminal Code of Canada or intentional tort, if this situation applies to you.
Mandatory vaccination in all employment contexts is illegal, unconstitutional, discriminatory and unenforceable.
If you do not consent to take the covid-19 vaccine
If you do not consent to take the covid-19 vaccine and you are disciplined or your employment is terminated
If you sign an employment contract whereby you agree to be vaccinated with the covid vaccine as a condition of employment
No one can force you to undergo any medical treatment, such as mandatory vaccination unless you have been deemed incapable of making these important decisions for yourself. In those cases, you will have a substitute decision maker for you.
Businesses, organizations, your Church, your friends, family and neighbours cannot force you or even ask you to take these covid injections, as a condition of participating in society. This is the ultimate discrimination of our human rights and will most certainly divide society. It is also illegal and unconstitutional as described above.
If you decide to take any of these covid injections, please do your own research to inform yourself. We have presented enough evidence here that you are not receiving “information” about the risks of these injections or the safer alternatives available to you.
It is up to the individual whether they want to get the covid-19 vaccination or not. But that choice must be free for the individual. In law, that choice must be a free one.
Please watch this powerful 5-minute video of Julie Ponesse as she gives her last ethics lesson at Western University on September 8, 2021.
At the time of this video, Julie Ponesse was a Professor of Ethics at Huron College at the University of Western Ontario - one of the largest universities in Canada.
Her employment was terminated due to her medical choice not to vaccinate.
- why was Ms. Ponesse not accommodated for her medical choice?
All these measures require your "informed consent". If you don't want to consent to these or any other medical treatments or procedures, you do not have to.
Anything that affects your medical health, whether physically or psychologically
Know what you are consenting to - PDF of Table available at end of document
The Criminal Code of Canada (the Code) defines a series of conditions under which the law will deem an absence of consent in cases of assault, notwithstanding, the complainant’s ostensible consent or participation. As stipulated in s.265(3), these include submission by reason of force, fear, threats, fraud or the exercise of authority, and codify the longstanding common law rule that consent given under fear or duress is ineffective - consent given under fear or duress is NOT consent.
Informed consent means that the person who will administer the medical treatment or procedure, needs to INFORM you of all the benefits and risks associated with the medical treatment or procedure as well as all alternative treatments before you decide if you will consent or not.
Remember, you still retain the right to REFUSE to consent, even after you have been properly informed as described above. This is MEDICAL FREEDOM.
However, there is a major problem with doctors hands being tied by their college, thereby effectively denying you the right to have ALL of the information they know. Their College issued a statement on April 30, 2021 stating "Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations". This is known as a gag order. Not only is this unethical, but it is immoral. [see 8. Medical Censorship in Canada - Doctors Gag Order in Ontario]
How can anyone possibly give informed consent if they haven't been told ALL of the risks and benefits?
The laws are clear in Canada – without consent, either written or oral, no medical procedure and/or treatment may be performed; this is not a mere formality; it is an important individual right to have control over one’s own body (bodily sovereignty), even when medical treatment is involved; it is always the patient, not the doctor, who decides whether a procedure and/or treatment will be performed and consent cannot be IMPLIED.
In Canadian law, a patient must CONSENT to any medical treatment otherwise it’s a form of battery, otherwise known as an assault. It is important to note that there is assault as an intentional tort as well as assault under the Criminal Code of Canada. An assault is any application of force on an individual without their consent. Medical doctors can be charged with assault and battery if the courts determine that informed consent, with all of the elements above, was not provided by the patient.
Textbook of Criminal Law (2nd edition 1983), at pp. 551-61. This section reads as follows: section 265
(3) For the purpose of this section, no consent is obtained where the complainant submits or does not resist by reason of
(a) the application of force to the complainant or to a person other than the complainant;
(b) threats or fear of the application of force to the complainant or to a person other than the complainant;
(c) fraud; or
(d) the exercise of authority
If you don’t think your employer is “exercising their authority” to force you to take a mandatory vaccine, think again.
The rationale underlining the criminalization of assault, society is committed to protecting the personal integrity both physical and psychological of every individual – having control over who touches one’s body and how, lies the core of human dignity and autonomy.
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland & Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
You have free will to make your own choices about your health with no reprisal for declining medical treatment or procedure. Medical, religious and philosophical objections to vaccination will likely surpass the employer’s health and safety obligations in the workplace.
1. Provincial/Territorial Health Care Consent Acts [see 6. Your Patient Rights by Province and Territory – Consent to Treatment]
2. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
3. Canadian Human Rights Act – the purpose of this Act is that all individuals should have an opportunity equal with other individuals to make for themselves the lives they are able and wish to have ... without being hindered or prevented from doing so by discriminatory practices
Here are the PROTECTED GROUNDS for discrimination under section 3(1) of the Act:
4. Canadian Bill of Rights 1960 - you have the right to decide what medical treatment you accept under section 1 (a) and (b)
While the Canadian Bill of Rights is not part of Canada’s Constitution, it was in fact Canada’s first federal law to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and it still applies to only federal laws and government actions because provincial consent was not obtained (does not apply to provincial laws).
The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons have effectively removed the “informed” portion of “informed consent” by tying doctor’s hands from speaking out contrary to public health measures. This is known as a gag order.
On April 30, 2021, Ontario’s physician licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), issued a statement forbidding physicians from questioning or debating any or all of the official measures imposed in response to COVID-19.
The CPSO then went on to threaten physicians with punishment – investigations and disciplinary action.
What does this effectively do? It ties doctors hands because they are not allowed to tell you anything that runs contrary to the public health narrative. This also means, that YOU are prevented from giving your true "informed" consent.
This is not only unethical, it is immoral.
Thousands of doctors in Canada and around the world responded to this unethical statement of orders by creating a DECLARATION OF NON-COMPLIANCE.
Please read this Declaration of non-compliance
Your personal medical health and choices you make about your health are no one’s business but yours and your doctors!
Your privacy is protected under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, 2000 (PIPEDA) applies federally.
Here are the Provincial/Territory privacy laws for your Personal Health Information:
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland & Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Please refer to this link to find all of your provincial/territorial privacy laws (we have identified all of the privacy laws on personal health above):
We have had almost twenty-three months of lockdowns from the date of this page. We have seen and lived the devastation this has caused. KNOW your LEGAL RIGHTS and STAND UP for them. This would all be over if everyone knew how their human and legal rights were being violated from the start.
The only approval you ever need is your own – that’s the ultimate truth! Give yourself YOUR APPROVAL to stand up and say no.
Sometimes people are more comfortable sending their employers, schools, etc., pre-drafted letters of different kinds of Notices of Liability. To put someone on Notice is a good idea - it sends a strong message to them that you know your rights and are not afraid to assert them.
A Notice of Liability will serve as an important paper trail document for when you take legal action.
If you are a health care worker in Ontario facing mandatory vaccination policy:
There are 4 different Notices of Liability depending upon your scenario. You can edit these documents to fit your situation - they are available for DOWNLOAD on our web page Notices of Liability - United Health Care Workers of Ontario
Health Care Workers:
Note: Good Faith Letters can also be found on our same web page noted above.
We are in awe of the truly amazing work this organization is doing. Please be sure to go directly to their site, in the event they have developed more tools than the ones listed below.
This wonderful organization has taken the lead on support for Christians. Thanks be to God, in the most literal and sincerest sense. Please be sure to go directly to their site in the event they have developed more tools than the ones listed below.
The incredible people behind this group are also working tirelessly for all Canadians. Please be sure to go directly to their site in the event they have developed more tools than the ones listed below.
The leader in medical freedom in Canada. We are eternally grateful for all that you are doing to help Canadians during these unprecedented times. Please be sure to go directly to their site in the event they have developed more tools than the ones listed below.